The roadmap says that provideo codecs are supported but there is not Prores or QuickTime pulldown in suqencer
I got the same problem with you.but i found a way to fix.
You can update to UE4.24 and choose " film, television and live events".After download Aja and Blackmagic plugins,you will see the Prores code in Render Movie Settings.
Download Aja and Blackmagic plugins ,4.23 preview maybe can encode the prores.But i haven’t can try it .
Hey guys, I am trying to export my video from UE4 to prores, but I don’t have the option. I also have installed a ProRes plugin, but still nothing!
I saw online where in the export menu you would find it, but mine doesn’t have it I don’t have a codec option and as far as video it only gives me .avi ;(
I also have reinstalled the engine a few times, but that didn’t help.
Please help me out here.
Thank you!
done and done…but no cigar.
I did already But nothing changed ;( I can’t understand what else needs to be done.
Did you restart UE4? And you can start a project choose " film, television and live events", maybe works.