Proposition for authoring Unreal books.

Hi all

I am working for Packt Publishing as an Acquisition Editor. Packt Publishing is a fast growing company, a firm that specializes in publishing IT related content We are well known for having a practical approach (centered towards developing games, or doing a particular task etc.) towards our content that we have published for the past 10 years, ranging from books, eBooks and videos.

Based on the recent updates and popularity, we have committed quite a few titles on Unreal aimed at different level of target audience.

I shall list the titles shortly, do feel free to drop in a reply if you wish to author with us.:slight_smile:

Have a great week everyone!


I love the work you guys do, and have several of your books.
Definately looking forward to the Unreal Series. A nice comprehensive book on Programming in C++ for Unreal Engine will be a great title to publish.