PropertyTypeCustomization question:
Does anyone know what the InstanceMetadata is supposed to be for on the StructPropertyHandle/PropertyNode for a PropertyTypeCustomization, how to properly use it, and whether it is appropriate for my use case?
I thought it was a bucket to store metadata about that instance of the property value, that would follow the property value in editor but not get cooked into the game. However, when I try to use it to store some editor-only hint info on how to display the property value in the editor, the InstanceMetadata is present for a while, but then disappears when I do something like recompile the blueprint that the property value is on. Indeed, I do not see anywhere in engine code where the InstanceMetadata gets serialized, which would be consistent with what I see.
The type in question that the PropertyTypeCustomization is being developed for is a custom numeric type (USTRUCT). The parsing for this numeric type has some special features, such that the string “123:5”, when parsed, expands to the number 123123123123123. What I am ultimately trying to do, is have the editor keep the display value as it was keyed, i.e. continue displaying “123:5” for the cognitive convenience of the designer, but internally, build the struct value as normal.
Is there a better tool to accomplish this, since InstanceMetadata does not seem to be the answer?