Property names are not readable because of wasted space

As shown on the image below the names of properties (e.g. Game State Class) are occluded by the edit box. although there is plenty of space (marked in red). Moving the edit box of the properties to the right (or removing the padding shown in red) Would allow for the names of the properties to be fully visible without affecting any other elements in the layout.
Screenshot taken at 1920x1080p


Yes please fix wasted space to make things easier to read.


Totally agree. Overall there is just way too much empty space in the UI at the cost of vital information. Fundamentals like editing properties should not involve fighting with the UI. Some developers will edit properties 100s or 1000s of times a day, this quickly adds up to days or even weeks of wasted development time over the course of a project . As a developer I want to be able to see all the information I need without having to resize columns or windows.

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