Properly follow landscape

Good Morning! apologies if this is a super simple answer, but i have an ai bear, got the anim bp al set up, navemesh is in place, and when i press play, the bear does what i want, except, and i really hope i phrase this correctly lol, But when he walks, lets say he comes to a hill, he will walk forward/into the hill as he goes up, as opposed to shifting direction and following the hill upwards…i REALLY hope that makes sense as i am LOSING my mind trying to figure this out lol. thanks so much for any help anyone can provide :slight_smile: have a wonderful day! :slight_smile:

Hi Nate,

One simple idea I have would be to do a line-trace below the bear and adjust the bears rotation to match the ‘Out Hit Normal’ (But only consider ‘reasonable’ angles before adjusting rotation)

There should be some ‘how to walk on walls’ tutorials that might explore this sort of idea. (It feels like there should be a setting in the Character Movement Component like ‘orient to floor’ but I’m not seeing any)

The less simple idea would be to look into foot-placement IK systems like in the Third-Person Template and StackOBot, but a quadruped might still need to be rotated since it’s long.


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thanks so much man!!! ill check those out. Honestly, thank you so much :smiley: