Proper Way To Replicate Relative Rotation?

I’m having problems with replicating the relative rotation of my character to the client etc, when the action is triggered the character lerps its relative rotation from a timeline.

This works properly on the server but for the client it will lerp the rotation then quickly snap back to its initial rotation. When the client is seeing the server character do this it will stay rotated but as soon as the server character moves it will return to the regular rotation for the client.

The timeline is set to replicate so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, everything else after the lerp replicates as it should.


Have you solved this ???

you’d need to be more specific, if its the character rotation this should already be handled by the CMC

if its say an AimOffset just RepNotify the variable and handle it on the character or in this case the Animation.

if its something custom you can use tick to RInterpt to the Target Rotation but make sure its not fighting with another system like the CMC