Proper use of Material Function Instances

Does someone have an example on how they are using Material Function Masters and Instances? I am currently creating functions so that I can make composable master materials when I need to…however, because of how parameter naming works and are expose to the final material, (naming clash) only one wins out…making Material Functions Instances useless unless they are unnamed or provided as inputs.

The goal is to write a single master function for something like mapping, be able to instance that function in a single material for say like the diffuse map channel and a separate control for the Roughness or cavity map. I have provided screenshots on how I currently have to set this up…but it would be nice to be able to properly instance the functions, having UE take care of the naming resolution based on the asset name

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I am trying to accomplish this exact same thing and ran into the same problem. Based on the 6 months of silence I’m going to assume that Material Function Instances are useless and fall back to multiple needlessly repetitious Material Functions.