I’ve got a question that will surely get a lot of people rolling their eyes, and i apologize for that.
I’ve been researching around a little bit, and i was unable to find a single tutorial that explains how to properly animate game props. All i have been able to find are character tutorials. What i am trying to achieve is to animate a early 1900s camera to fold open and closed, the shutter must open and close, and the film roller needs to work.
Am i to animate it using bones? Key-framing? And is the workflow any different than animating a character? Are there any tutorials about it? The software i use is Autodesk Maya 2015.
If you could help, that would be awesome! If someone really feels generous/brave, i would love to talk to you via Skype. My username is Derek.Verveer If not, any help is very much appreciated here on the answerhub. Thanks!