So, I tend to have a lot of operations where I don’t care about the timing. Moving a set of objects, managing scoring for a set of things that all can happen pretty much whenever, and so on.
I tend to handle these operations asynchronously. (Or need to, because moving twenty things together needs to happen as a group) The only way I can do this at the moment is - I think - through spawn{}
Is this the proper way to manage these threads? I can’t use Thread within loops, but the documentation says to only use spawn{} as a last resort.
I want to make this example device work properly:
mass_activator_device := class(creative_device):
@editable Props : []creative_prop = array{}
@editable DropIn : logic = true
@editable DropInHeight : float = 1000.0
var DropInTime : float = 1.0
ActivateAllDrop(): void=
var prop_transform : transform = transform{}
for(i := 0..Props.Length-1):
if (CurrentProp := Props[i]):
set prop_transform = CurrentProp.GetTransform()
spawn{CurrentProp.MoveTo(vector3 {X:=prop_transform.Translation.X, Y:=prop_transform.Translation.Y,
prop_transform.Rotation, DropInTime)}
Note that I’ve messed up the spacing here to make this all fit together. Also, this should probably be a couple functions, but was an alpha version of what I ended up actually using.
But what I’m doing is using spawn to move a bunch of props. I’d like to know what the right way to do this is. I’d really love to be able to use Race, but either I can’t figure out the syntax or it’s such a bad idea it’s intentionally disabled.