Proper First Person Cutscene - How to?

Hey all. I want to make a first person cut scene and I was having some confusion. How can I seamlessly execute it?

Example - I have a scene where the player and his friend need to pickup a dead body and load it in the trunk. Now I do have animations for both i.e player and his friend but idk how to put them in the sequencer and have a first person cutscene like all the other games out there. Like how to place them properly as the cut scene plays, how to return them to normal state after cutscene. I’m new to Sequencer. Any tips would be helpful !

Do note, my game is true first person + I’m using metahumans i.e UE5 skeleton. I can trigger any cut scene from any point, but the issue lies in creating the actual content of the cut scene. I have attached a Cine Cam to my player, along with the default FP cam that’s already attached. The only problem is, player is spawned in the game as usual. So I cannot reference the Cine Camera inside the Sequence ? or can I? Not sure.

That’s all.