I tried the uefn prop hunt template with verse but there is a missing verse file so i get errors. Has anyone made it work?
Starting the project with Verse enabled should not produce any errors. Could you give us the steps you took to get to the missing file?
Hi Flak I am having the same issue so in the guide there is no information for Prop_Hunt_Device and on step 6 where it gives us all the scripts the Prop_Hunt script doesnt exist I did notice somewhere in the guide was a screenshot where the person who created it had a verse file Prop_Hunt.Verse
in the Round_timer.verse this is where the error occurs
round_timer := class(creative_device):
Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_prop_hunt_device}
there is a missing script in the tutorial. create one called prop_hunt and it will look like this: also, the latest version of Verse doesnt allow ‘set’ inside of ‘if’ and the fail-ables have to be seperated from the ‘set’. hope this helps someone
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
log_prop_hunt_device := class(log_channel){}
# This class contains the logic for starting and ending a round. It also handles events for players joining and leaving when a round is in progress.
prop_hunt := class(creative_device):
Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_prop_hunt_device}
@editable # An instance of the prop_team class, used to manage the Prop team.
PropTeam:prop_team = prop_team{}
@editable # An instance of the hunter_team class, used to manage the Hunter team.
HunterTeam:hunter_team = hunter_team{}
@editable # The round manager device is used to end the round when the last prop agent is eliminated.
RoundSettings:round_settings_device = round_settings_device{}
@editable # The teleporter in the lobby area. This device is enabled and disabled to allow props and hunters out of the pre-game lobby.
LobbyTeleporter:teleporter_device = teleporter_device{}
@editable # The waiting for more players device. This device checks if there are enough players to start the round.
WaitingForMorePlayers:waiting_for_more_players = waiting_for_more_players{}
@editable # This hud controller is used when a round is waiting to start.
# Set Priority to "Highest" for this device and have a second HUD controller set to < "Highest" to use during the round.
HUDControllerWaiting:hud_controller_device = hud_controller_device{}
@editable # The round timer device. This device keeps track of the time left in the round and is started within StartTheHunt().
RoundTimer:round_timer = round_timer{}
@editable # The device that controls the game music.
GameMusic:radio_device = radio_device{}
@editable # Message for when the hunter agents are set loose in the game.
StartTheHuntMessage:hud_message_device = hud_message_device{}
@editable # The Verse class that controls the opening cinematic.
Cinematic:billboard_cinematic = billboard_cinematic{}
# When the device is started in a running game, initialize subscriptions and launch the team setup. This runs at the start of every round.
OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Round loaded.")
# Play cinematic at beginning if user has it enabled
if (Cinematic.PlayAtStart?):
Logger.Print("Cinematic Completed.")
Logger.Print("Cinematic Skipped.")
race: # When there are no more prop or hunter agents (whichever happens first), or the round timer finishes, the round ends
Logger.Print("Round ending.")
# When a round is started, subscribe to team devices, randomly pick the hunter agents, enable the hunter timer, set the prop agents, and teleport them into the game area.
SetUpTeams()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Setting up teams.")
# Subscribe to the prop team score timer, set the score award, and subscribe to the prop team's eliminated event.
PropTeam.TeamManager.TeamMemberEliminatedEvent.Subscribe(OnPropEliminated) # Occurs when a prop agent is eliminated.
# Subscribe to the hunter team's wait timer and set the duration. Also subscribe to the hunter team's elimination event.
HunterTeam.TeamManager.EnemyEliminatedEvent.Subscribe(OnHunterEliminated) # Occurs when a hunter agent eliminates a prop agent.
# Initialize the starting hunter and prop agents arrays. Get the players and find the number of players in the server.
var StartingHunterAgents:[]agent = array{}
var StartingPropAgents:[]agent = array{}
var Players:[]player = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
# Enable the HUD appropriate for waiting for players.
# Check if there are enough players to start the round.
set Players = WaitingForMorePlayers.WaitForMinimumNumberOfPlayers(Players)
Logger.Print("Round started.")
# Disable the waiting HUD to use the next highest priority HUD.
# Now that the round has started, we need to handle players being added or removed from the match. Subscribe to those events.
# Calculate the number of starting hunter agents for the game based on the player count and the number of hunter agents per number of players.
NumberOfPlayers:float = 1.0 * Players.Length # Converts Players.Length to a float so it can be used in the next Ceil function.
if (NumberOfStartingHunters:int = Ceil[NumberOfPlayers / Max(1.1, HunterTeam.HunterAgentPerNumberOfPlayers)]):
# Shuffle the players and then slice the array to get the starting hunter agents. The remaining players are the starting prop agents.
var RandomizedPlayers:[]agent = Shuffle(Players)
if (set StartingHunterAgents = RandomizedPlayers.Slice[0,NumberOfStartingHunters]) {}
if (set StartingPropAgents = RandomizedPlayers.Slice[NumberOfStartingHunters,RandomizedPlayers.Length]) {}
# Iterate through the starting hunter agents and assign them to the hunter team. Then start the hunter wait timer.
Logger.Print("Setting {StartingHunterAgents.Length} hunter agent(s).")
for (StartingHunterAgent : StartingHunterAgents):
# Iterate through the starting prop agents and assign them to the prop team. Teleport them into the play area.
Logger.Print("Setting {StartingPropAgents.Length} prop agent(s).")
for (StartingPropAgent : StartingPropAgents):
# Set the props remaining tracker's Target and Value to the current number of props.
# In the future, we'll only update Value as props are eliminated.
# When the hunter timer finishes, spawn the function that unleashes the hunter agents into the game and begins the round.
# HunterInstigator is needed for the event subscription but not used.
HuntersGo(HunterInstigator:?agent):void =
spawn{ StartTheHunt() }
# Enable the lobby teleporter, teleport all the hunter agents to the game area and then run the prop game loop for each prop agent.
StartTheHunt()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Teleporting hunter agent(s).")
Sleep(0.5) # Delaying half a second to give the teleporter time to enable.
for (HunterAgent : HunterTeam.GetAgents[]):
Logger.Print("Starting prop(s) game logic.")
for (PropAgent : PropTeam.GetAgents[]):
spawn {PropTeam.RunPropGameLoop(PropAgent)}
# Signal that the round has started to start the round and scoring timers.
# When a player joins the match mid-round, make them a hunter if the round has started.
OnPlayerAdded(Player:player):void =
Logger.Print("A player joined the game.")
if (PropTeam.Count() > 0): # if there are any prop agents, the round has started.
# When a hunter agent eliminates a prop agent, award score. The score is divided by the number of prop agents remaining.
OnHunterEliminated(HunterAgent:agent):void =
Logger.Print("Hunter agent eliminated a prop agent.")
PropTeamSize := PropTeam.Count()
if (EliminationAward := Floor(HunterTeam.MaxEliminationScore / PropTeamSize)):
Logger.Print("Awarding {EliminationAward} points.")
# When a prop agent is eliminated, remove the prop from the prop team, check for round end, and set them as a hunter.
OnPropEliminated(PropAgent:agent):void =
Logger.Print("Prop agent eliminated.")
spawn{ PropTeam.EliminateAgent(PropAgent) }
# When a player leaves the match, check which team they were on and then check for round end.
OnPlayerRemoved(Player:player):void =
Logger.Print("A player left the game.")
if (PropTeam.FindOnTeam[Player]):
Logger.Print("Player was a Prop.")
spawn{ PropTeam.EliminateAgent(Player) }
if (HunterTeam.FindOnTeam[Player]):
Logger.Print("Player was a Hunter.")
spawn{ HunterTeam.EliminateAgent(Player) }
# Cleans up the heart beat VFX and then ends the round.
# Get any player to pass to EndRound
Players:[]player = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
if (RoundEndInstigator := Players[0]):
Logger.Print("Round ended.")