Hi I am having an issue so in the guide there is no information for Prop_Hunt_Device and on step 6 where it gives us all the scripts the Prop_Hunt script doesnt exist I did notice somewhere in the guide was a screenshot where the person who created it had a verse file Prop_Hunt.Verse
in the Round_timer.verse this is where the error occurs
round_timer := class(creative_device):
Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_prop_hunt_device}
If anyone could help that would be great Thank You.
there is a missing script. create one called prop_hunt and it will look like this: also, the latest version of Verse doesnt allow ‘set’ inside of ‘if’ and the fail-ables have to be seperated from the ‘set’. hope this helps someone
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
log_prop_hunt_device := class(log_channel){}
# This class contains the logic for starting and ending a round. It also handles events for players joining and leaving when a round is in progress.
prop_hunt := class(creative_device):
Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_prop_hunt_device}
@editable # An instance of the prop_team class, used to manage the Prop team.
PropTeam:prop_team = prop_team{}
@editable # An instance of the hunter_team class, used to manage the Hunter team.
HunterTeam:hunter_team = hunter_team{}
@editable # The round manager device is used to end the round when the last prop agent is eliminated.
RoundSettings:round_settings_device = round_settings_device{}
@editable # The teleporter in the lobby area. This device is enabled and disabled to allow props and hunters out of the pre-game lobby.
LobbyTeleporter:teleporter_device = teleporter_device{}
@editable # The waiting for more players device. This device checks if there are enough players to start the round.
WaitingForMorePlayers:waiting_for_more_players = waiting_for_more_players{}
@editable # This hud controller is used when a round is waiting to start.
# Set Priority to "Highest" for this device and have a second HUD controller set to < "Highest" to use during the round.
HUDControllerWaiting:hud_controller_device = hud_controller_device{}
@editable # The round timer device. This device keeps track of the time left in the round and is started within StartTheHunt().
RoundTimer:round_timer = round_timer{}
@editable # The device that controls the game music.
GameMusic:radio_device = radio_device{}
@editable # Message for when the hunter agents are set loose in the game.
StartTheHuntMessage:hud_message_device = hud_message_device{}
@editable # The Verse class that controls the opening cinematic.
Cinematic:billboard_cinematic = billboard_cinematic{}
# When the device is started in a running game, initialize subscriptions and launch the team setup. This runs at the start of every round.
OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Round loaded.")
# Play cinematic at beginning if user has it enabled
if (Cinematic.PlayAtStart?):
Logger.Print("Cinematic Completed.")
Logger.Print("Cinematic Skipped.")
race: # When there are no more prop or hunter agents (whichever happens first), or the round timer finishes, the round ends
Logger.Print("Round ending.")
# When a round is started, subscribe to team devices, randomly pick the hunter agents, enable the hunter timer, set the prop agents, and teleport them into the game area.
SetUpTeams()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Setting up teams.")
# Subscribe to the prop team score timer, set the score award, and subscribe to the prop team's eliminated event.
PropTeam.TeamManager.TeamMemberEliminatedEvent.Subscribe(OnPropEliminated) # Occurs when a prop agent is eliminated.
# Subscribe to the hunter team's wait timer and set the duration. Also subscribe to the hunter team's elimination event.
HunterTeam.TeamManager.EnemyEliminatedEvent.Subscribe(OnHunterEliminated) # Occurs when a hunter agent eliminates a prop agent.
# Initialize the starting hunter and prop agents arrays. Get the players and find the number of players in the server.
var StartingHunterAgents:[]agent = array{}
var StartingPropAgents:[]agent = array{}
var Players:[]player = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
# Enable the HUD appropriate for waiting for players.
# Check if there are enough players to start the round.
set Players = WaitingForMorePlayers.WaitForMinimumNumberOfPlayers(Players)
Logger.Print("Round started.")
# Disable the waiting HUD to use the next highest priority HUD.
# Now that the round has started, we need to handle players being added or removed from the match. Subscribe to those events.
# Calculate the number of starting hunter agents for the game based on the player count and the number of hunter agents per number of players.
NumberOfPlayers:float = 1.0 * Players.Length # Converts Players.Length to a float so it can be used in the next Ceil function.
if (NumberOfStartingHunters:int = Ceil[NumberOfPlayers / Max(1.1, HunterTeam.HunterAgentPerNumberOfPlayers)]):
# Shuffle the players and then slice the array to get the starting hunter agents. The remaining players are the starting prop agents.
var RandomizedPlayers:[]agent = Shuffle(Players)
if (set StartingHunterAgents = RandomizedPlayers.Slice[0,NumberOfStartingHunters]) {}
if (set StartingPropAgents = RandomizedPlayers.Slice[NumberOfStartingHunters,RandomizedPlayers.Length]) {}
# Iterate through the starting hunter agents and assign them to the hunter team. Then start the hunter wait timer.
Logger.Print("Setting {StartingHunterAgents.Length} hunter agent(s).")
for (StartingHunterAgent : StartingHunterAgents):
# Iterate through the starting prop agents and assign them to the prop team. Teleport them into the play area.
Logger.Print("Setting {StartingPropAgents.Length} prop agent(s).")
for (StartingPropAgent : StartingPropAgents):
# Set the props remaining tracker's Target and Value to the current number of props.
# In the future, we'll only update Value as props are eliminated.
# When the hunter timer finishes, spawn the function that unleashes the hunter agents into the game and begins the round.
# HunterInstigator is needed for the event subscription but not used.
HuntersGo(HunterInstigator:?agent):void =
spawn{ StartTheHunt() }
# Enable the lobby teleporter, teleport all the hunter agents to the game area and then run the prop game loop for each prop agent.
StartTheHunt()<suspends>:void =
Logger.Print("Teleporting hunter agent(s).")
Sleep(0.5) # Delaying half a second to give the teleporter time to enable.
for (HunterAgent : HunterTeam.GetAgents[]):
Logger.Print("Starting prop(s) game logic.")
for (PropAgent : PropTeam.GetAgents[]):
spawn {PropTeam.RunPropGameLoop(PropAgent)}
# Signal that the round has started to start the round and scoring timers.
# When a player joins the match mid-round, make them a hunter if the round has started.
OnPlayerAdded(Player:player):void =
Logger.Print("A player joined the game.")
if (PropTeam.Count() > 0): # if there are any prop agents, the round has started.
# When a hunter agent eliminates a prop agent, award score. The score is divided by the number of prop agents remaining.
OnHunterEliminated(HunterAgent:agent):void =
Logger.Print("Hunter agent eliminated a prop agent.")
PropTeamSize := PropTeam.Count()
if (EliminationAward := Floor(HunterTeam.MaxEliminationScore / PropTeamSize)):
Logger.Print("Awarding {EliminationAward} points.")
# When a prop agent is eliminated, remove the prop from the prop team, check for round end, and set them as a hunter.
OnPropEliminated(PropAgent:agent):void =
Logger.Print("Prop agent eliminated.")
spawn{ PropTeam.EliminateAgent(PropAgent) }
# When a player leaves the match, check which team they were on and then check for round end.
OnPlayerRemoved(Player:player):void =
Logger.Print("A player left the game.")
if (PropTeam.FindOnTeam[Player]):
Logger.Print("Player was a Prop.")
spawn{ PropTeam.EliminateAgent(Player) }
if (HunterTeam.FindOnTeam[Player]):
Logger.Print("Player was a Hunter.")
spawn{ HunterTeam.EliminateAgent(Player) }
# Cleans up the heart beat VFX and then ends the round.
# Get any player to pass to EndRound
Players:[]player = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
if (RoundEndInstigator := Players[0]):
Logger.Print("Round ended.")