Prop doesn't push the player. Any solutions for this?

StaticMesh prop has collision enabled, but it doesn’t push the player. Any suggestions?

Hey spoilerr,

Click on the StaticMeshComponent child of Cube(self)
Check the Generate Overlap Events is on
Check the Collision Preset is something fortnitey, like FortDynamicMeshPhysics or something, hover your mouse over for descriptions of the preset.

Check both mesh and pawn collisions if they block eachother. When your mesh collision selects “Ignore” on Pawn, it won’t interact with object types as “Pawn” .


Unfortunately, all the suggestions you provided were already enabled, and still, the cube doesn’t push through the player.

Try add a new box collision component,size it to match to mesh ,and set it to block all.
Then see what happens

static meshes itself needs to have collision,otherwise the collision settings don’t work

“We tried this as well, but unfortunately, it didn’t change anything; the box still passes through the non-moving player.”

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Is the static mesh a physics body?
Instead of moving it,could you drop it from the air,let it fall down to see if it passes through the floor.

We think it’s more a problem with the player because when we get in the car, the car gets pushed away and only goes through the stationary player.

What do you mean by Stationary Player? Are you using Capsule Component in your character? Your screenshot did not determine I am asking for actually. “FortDynamicMeshPhysics” but which objects and traces is this Preset blocks? Can you share the collision responses for both Mesh and Character?

so I hope you understand better what our problem is.

Well,I have no idea.

I did a simple test,didn’t change any settings,it just always push the player.
So I don’t know what happens to your character.

But we work with Fortnite unreal engine.(uefn)

Well, this is interesting. Can you try this with new another pawn? Maybe somehow you changing collision properties within AnimBP or within CharacterBP. Check by “Print String” if your colliding components has enabled collisions in runtime and also check if your colliding components changing their positions when you move or stop.

There are no AnimBP or CharacterBP in UEFN.