I noticed the longer i work the higher the chance the engine craps its pants and starts detecting its own autosaves as assets that need saving. If i do a Shift+S I can end up with 4-5 iterations of the same level (i aleady saved previously) but within the autosave subfolder, example:
Bump. Coincidence or not, its clearly a bug. Any idea if they even check threads like these or if we should submit it somewhere else? The issue tracker is not open to the public.
Yeah, this happens to me nearly every time I run the Fix Up Redirectors command on a folder in my project.
Once I’ve saved all the autos as “Untitled” over each other, the editor crashes with the fatal error:
Fatal error: [File: ..\Engine\Source\Runtime\TypedElementFramework\Public\Elements\Framework\TypedElementData.h] [Line: 276]
Element 'World None.None - ID: 5' is still externally referenced when being destroyed! Ref-count: 2; see above for reference information (if available).
This happens every time I do this. Unfortunately, this is a hard crash, so the bug report window doesn’t even show up afterwards.