The problem is, you’re setting up the stream again every time you press E.
Once you set the stream up, that’s it, you don’t need to do it again.
Then you can just have the part after that:
So, if anything, put the SetRandomStreamSeed here:
The problem is, you’re setting up the stream again every time you press E.
Once you set the stream up, that’s it, you don’t need to do it again.
Then you can just have the part after that:
So, if anything, put the SetRandomStreamSeed here:
Hello. My Issue is with Random Generation (Float, Boolean, etc.).
I have a super simple setup and it doesnt work conceptually at all. I watched all the tutorials possible, but nobody seems tohave the same problem as I have. I think I missed something, but please help me out here.
My setup is the following: I just want to produce randomly generated boolean values on changing the Seed.
With this setup the sequence of the booleans is not random and I can’t figure out why. I press “E” to generate a boolean, ok, I press “Num +” to increase the seed by 1, I press E again to see the result. I repeat this like 30 times and the results are completely wrong, no randomness. Look:
Of-course I tested to Put the “E” imput directly into the print.
With this I get the correct results, but for my game it’s critical that after the seed change the results should be randomized.
Somebody plz help me out im going cray here xD This is the same with random floats, integers, etc. With seed change, the results are not random.
Yeah you are right, although this is by design, so I can repeatedly check some calculations later on. My real issue was that after itterating the Seed by one or substracting by one, the newly generated numbers compared to the previous seed were not random looking. I solved that part by plugging “Random Seed Variable” with a “Random Integer In Range” into the “Set Random Stream Variable”, so that I technically don’t itterate on the seed by one, I just select a completely new random seed.