ProjectWorldToScreen different camera

Dear community,

I have a scene with two cameras and I would like to know the 2d coordinates of a 3d point viewed from a camera that is not the current view target.

Is there a way to do it? I searched a bit in the code and I did not find it, but before writing code I try to ask to you.

Thanks in advance,

Hey littlerussian-

Can you explain what exactly you’re trying to accomplish with this? I’m not sure what the use of the 2d coordinates of a camera you’re not actively looking through would be and there may be easier ways to obtain the desired information depending on what the goal is.

Hi ,

I try to explain it better.
I am trying to build a sort of heatmap the aim of my character.
I want to overlap it over a screenshot of my scene as a semi transparent layer.
So I put a camera to take the screenshot and I want to locate the aim on that map, in real time.
Since this screenshot is perspective, I thought that the smartest way to obtain that point on the screenshot was to project it on the camera view.

Have you found the solution? I want to do the same thing, but I don’t know how to make it.

Nope, I re implemented it.