Hello all. I am new to the UE4 website and I have been wanting to download Tappy Chicken’s project file but, I do not see anywhere, a “project files” section on the Marketplace (neither through the launcher or the website). Have they removed Project files from the Market Place?
Where can I download Tappy Chicken and other project files?
A kind thanks.
You will find it under the Learn Tab, under the Example Game Projects.
I can’t provide a link to it … go to the learn tab on the launcher … scroll down it is near the bottom.
Hello friends. I found not lean tab , but I found a link to the project in wiki.unrealengine site. Here is the page for Download : https://epicgames.app.box.com/s/iy2xl8zap9laobqy0xq9hoahr15e7fd6 I’m using google translator because I am Brazilian, any error I’m sorry. See you.
Thank you very much for pointing this out. As of Unreal Engine 4.10.4, TappyChicken is no longer in the Learn tab. The link you provide gives a quick zip file for the entire Tappy Chicken project. I appreciate it!