Hi, I am trying to use multiple computers for one project. I am using the same account for both computers. But when I got UE4 for this computer, my projects don’t show up. How do I fix this or is a usual thing? Thanks
If you want to use multiple machines to develop (either because you have more than one machine, or because you have more than one person working on the project), then you need to share the files. It doesn’t matter who you’re logged in as, just that the machine has access to the files.
The best way to share the files is through a source control system like Git or Perforce. These will track the changes to all your files as you’re working on them, and then you can commit to the source control system. Another machine can then pull the latest content, make change and commit etc etc. The great thing about source control is that it also tracks all the changes, so if you accidentally break something, you can roll the relevant files back to a state they were in before you broke it. Another advantage is that if you do modify the same file on two machines, there is a good process for merging the changes of these files so you don’t loose any work.
Here’s some information on Source Control in UE4: Source Control | Unreal Engine Documentation
I suggest you use Git as a starting point (BitBucket, GitLab, GitHub etc). Here is some specific information for using UE4 and Git: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
And finally, some useful informaiton on using Git in general: Git Tutorials and Training | Atlassian Git Tutorial
Of course, if you dont want to use Source Control, you can just copy the files between your machines in whatever way you want (network, USB, Dropbox etc)
Ah ok. Thanks for the response. It’s kind of annoying but I’ll deal with it I guess
Thanks - can you mark the answer as accepted please.
One day Epic might add a service similar to Unity collaborate (I think that’s the name), but really that is just using source control by a different name.
Honestly, if you’re serious about Game Dev then you should become familiar with it - I don’t know a single developer who doesn’t use source control (but I do know some who didn’t, then disaster struck and they wish they did!)
Also, you probably don’t want Epic syncing all your assets to their servers. The amount of account hacking going on right now means that if someone did hack into your account, they would get access to all of your game, and that can’t be a good thing!