Projection of the cursor on the screen panel

So, I can display the Widget in the game world with the WidgetComponent in the actor.
I can interact with it via WidgetInteractionComponent in my Character and PressPointerKey commands.
I can even change my crosshair to look like a cursor at the right moment also limit the range of movement of the camera so that it does not extend beyond the screen panel in front of me.

But all of this still does not give the desired effect. The effect I am looking for was obtained in Doom 3.
Here is a preview Access Panel Hacked | Doom 3 - YouTube

Basicaly when we look at the panel, the crosshair disappears and a flat cursor is projected on the panel.
It seems to me that for everything I already have, it will be enough for me to set the crosshair to disappear and make the Widget track where I’m looking and display/move a cursor-like image in that place. I would appreciate an explanation of how exactly to do this, thank you!

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SetRenderTranslation of the image taking the coordinates from GetMousePosition in the Widget somewhat works… but it is completely unresponsive, the image does what it wants and the result correlates very poorly with both crosshair and cursor

EDIT: I figured it out, soon i I will make video tutorial about it

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Tutorial is done

U4 Doom 3 like panels, free blueprint - YouTube

I also provide files for the project, link in the description of the video.

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