So, as can be seen in the video, I have a character able to shoot, and charge, projectiles. The character is connected to a spline for 2d style movement with the ability to go around corners, as well as having some code to make turning around instantaneous.
While on the X Axis of the spline, the Projectiles fire and rotate properly, however as soon as i begin to move around the corner they stop working properly for firing to the left of the screen.
Currently the meshes are set up so the projectile meshes are parented to a sphere collider, the meshes are set to relative rotation and the sphere collider to world, best I’ve been able to figure out is that for some reason, my projectiles are being tied to the camera instead of actually rotating in the world other than velocity. The reason I think this is because if i disable the code that keeps the camera on the same side of the player, the projectiles fire in any direction just fine. I’m debating about just buying a camera system from the marketplace, but want to try to get this working without having to spend money which I currently don’t have first.
In the long run I will need to figure out a way to set my camera to stay within the bounds of the level, but for now, this is a higher priority to me.
Camera Code:
Instantly turn the player around:
I have tried putting the same 180 input into the Z of my spawn actor rotator for when the player faces left, but it doesn’t work.