Projectiles go through the open door while standing near it

I have a FPS project and there is a house with a door. On the screenshots you can see the collision setup for both collision box and the door. Collision box opens the door on the overlap.
When I shoot at the door from the distance, the projectiles are blocked, no matter if the door is opened or not. However, I use line trace from the camera to the muzzle point to check if nothing is blocking the way before spawning a projectile. Seems like the trace hits the box collision first and then since it’s not a WorldStatic, it decides that it’s all good and the projectile spawns behind the wall. I thought I could ignore box collision when tracing but I can’t just find a way how.
Please, help.

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Answering my own question here. All I had to do was to make LineTraceByChannel instead of the Objects. Then since my box collision had “Visibility” channel in the Collision Trace Responses set to “Ignore”, it all worked out just as I’d expected.

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