Hi there!
I’m having an issue with collisions and I feel like I tried everything.
If I set up my projectile collision to Overlap by default, then set up all environmental assets to OverlapAll and use a “On Component Begin Overlap (Capsule)” then the overlap is recognized… But that means I need to manually set every environmental asset to OverlapAll and I don’t think that’s how it should work.
I tried ticking on and off the Simulation Generates Hit Events box on both but for whatever reason, the collision isn’t recognized.
I also made sure the Capsule collision object is rendered in game so I could see it actually moves with the Niagara system projectile and it’s fine.
If I make the projectile BP super slow and drop it in the level, I notice that it recognizes collision with the player character but that’s about it.
Yeah in my case the Capsule is the collision component and it is the parent of the Niagara System.
It doesn’t seem like I have the option to make the collision component under the BP Self as I can’t get rid of the “Default Scene Root” component.
Also, it doesn’t allow me to drag or create the ProjectileMovement component under the collision component
Ok I just found out that if I drag the Collision component over the Default Root component that it replaces it, I had no idea! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
Now that I did that, Collisions seem to work! That said, now I can no longer rotate and/or move the collision Component (Is this normal? How can I adjust if I don’t want it to be completely centered?)
And for whatever reason, now the Projectile is rotated upwards 90 degrees when it’s in the scene, even though in the BP Viewport it faces the X axis just fine.
Roots cannot be rotated. I typically just go with a sphere collision as root. Yet it depends on the overall projectile being fired. If you absolutely need a capsule as collision w/ rotation then use a very primitive simple mesh. Scale it down, no collision, hidden in game, stupid simple material. Then add a capsule collision component to it.
ALSO, you want to create a custom collision for the projectile (Project settings → Engine → Collision). Default it to Overlap for your specific needs.
Generally you wouldn’t, but if you need a projectile that’s main job is overlapping you’d want the default response to be overlap. This makes it so you don’t have to walk through all your other actors and modify collision settings. They’ll default to that types default response.
If you have projectiles that block and some that overlap, make 2. One for each type.