Projectile Speed

I have a gun that shoots projectiles, and I want the player to feel like the bullets hit almost instantly. The combat is always at a pretty close range, so setting the initial speed really high like 70000 almost does the job(the max speed is set to 0). I still get an effect like the plasma rifle in Doom, and it forces the player to predict the enemy’s movement to actually hit. I don’t want to change my projectiles to line traces since I have a penetration system.

If I’m setting the initial speed even higher, does anything bad happen? I remember someone saying something like the projectile collision is checked on the tick event and if it’s too fast, the projectile might not register collision. I assume you would also need a low framerate.

do you want to actually see the projectiles in the air or just want to hit the enemy?
if you just want to shoot and harm your enemy just use Trace line instead an actual projectile.

I also want to see the projectile, and I don’t want to use line trace. I just want to know if setting the bullet’s speed too high makes it so it’s not colliding sometimes. Let’s say there’s a thin wall. If I shoot at it, the projectile is too fast and if the collision is checked every frame, then there’s a chance the bullet goes through and not have the velocity and power diminished. I’m not sure this is the way it works, that’s why I’m asking.

why not use best of both worlds?
trace for the hit and use a visual projectile without collisions at the speed you like…just make the math between the projectile speed and the distance of the trace hit to calculate the projectile life :slight_smile:

If you bullet goes so fast but still want to see it I think this method would me more efficient because you dont have to evaluate colisions in each frame for each bullet

Yeah… I guess it makes sense. I’ll try to use your advice.
Thanks! It really helped.

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That’s exactly how it works, trace is your friend and you should use it.

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