Projectile pushing issue?

I’m creating a sidescroller when projectile hits enemy character it pushes it way back i want it to stay in the same spot after it gets hit even if it chasing me I tried making sure that the sphere collision is the only collision not the mesh also tried an impulse still not working.

it pushes it way back
projectile pushes character?

i want it to stay in the same spot after it gets hit even if it chasing me
again not clear here but it sounds like your talking about the projectile.

you should try to explain your situation and your goal a bit better so its easier to understand. it sounds to me like your shooting a enemy and the projectile is then knocking back the enemy character which is something you don’t want to happen. to be able to help you we will need to understand how youve implemented your shooting system so post some pictures of your actor and or script.

I think this is caused by one of two reasons:

  1. The damage or hit event applies an impulse to the hit character

Try turning off impulse applications on the components that receive the hit / actors that receive the damage.

  1. There is some sort of collision that’s blocking the character and it just looks like an impulse

In your Hit Event, try destroying the projectile actor or just disabling it’s collision. You could also try setting the collision to overlap only and work with overlap instead of hit so you don’t generate physical collision at all.

If that doesn’t help, you’ll need to elaborate further, maybe provide some screenshots of what exactly is happening.


Yes the projectile pushes the ai back.

Destroying the projectile on hit works I will also experiment with the overlap thanks.