Projectile not alligned

I have a blueprint for a shooting range game, a line trace decides the “direction” of a projectile, it was working fine, but now the projectiles are going slightly to the left, I’ve changed nothing to the code, it just started doing that.

Any clues why is this happening?

Visualization, the line trace is where the bullet should go, the bullet hole decal is where the projectile is going

I thought it was about projectiles, could you check if that’s a decal related issue?

Started recording before you saw it, it gives a better understanding either way

I have the target already coded with a point system, whenever I click on the “10” the target reads where the “8” is due to the way the target is made, also there’s some lights in the level that break, if I aim too much to the right they don’t break

Target bp

Lamp bp

Both work when a projectile hits them

Managed to fix it, the “world direction” multiplier needed to be a bigger value (5.000.000) seems to fix it