Projectile Movement

So there are two main problems I have, first one is as the pictures shows I am fundamentally misunderstanding the relationship between speed and velocity. Would appreciate some clarification on why are there two ways to propel the projectile.

The second question is this how the projectile collision supposed to function?

Hi Evilrunic,

afaik the speed is there so it’s possible to easily have acceleration/deceleration without having to change the velocity vector, it can just be multiplied with it to get the current real velocity - there may be other reasons too.

In the BP_FirstPersonProjectile BP there is a collision sphere which should be defaulting to the correct collision types - have you got a log in the HitEvent that’s recording the SM_Cube4 as that looks like it’s actually working correctly?

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Thanks for the info! I thought it was working right it just seams strange that it blocks everything even other projectiles

np! Unticking that would stop the projectiles from colliding when fired quickly, the only thing I can think of where projectiles not colliding with each other would be an issue with small bullets is it would remove the ability to shoot a projectile - which would be pretty hard to do anyway :laughing:

Otherwise, you could try reducing the size of the collision sphere or slowing the rate of fire a little.

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