Projectile movement "set velocity/set initial speed" not working with blueprint.

Hi, can anybody tell why for the projectile movement the “set velocity” or “initial speed” not working with blueprint? only from the “construction script” and from “projectile movement component” I’m able to change the value and it is only working at the very start of the projectile movement activation, and then afterward I’m not able to change any of the values based on any blueprint function or conditions/variables.

Hiya @PunchYou!

Have you tried dropping the MaxSpeed variable in projectile movement? I don’t think you can simply slow down the projectiles mid-flight, but you can change their trajectory and limit their speed causing a similar effect! :slight_smile:

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Hi @Mind-Brain , thanks for your reply, actually you are right that I’m trying to control the projectile speed when it is in mid-flight, and yes if I limit the “Initial Maxspeed” with a lower value, it is working fine but only at the start of a projectile launch, If I don’t destroy the projectile and want to call it back with different speed and velocity then set values from blueprint doesn’t work, due to some requirement I was trying to have little control over the projectiles while it’s already been launched. But I guess it’s very complicated, I also searched in other forums and still not much help.

What is the end result that you are trying to achieve? It sounds like you’re trying to simulate physics- bullet drop/slowdown etc. I think your end goal is going to be found in the physics section of your projectile!