Projectile Homing on Target

Hello there,

I’ve been trying to have the Bullets from my Proximity Turret to follow the player but it wont. Bellow are the Blueprints I made following some online tutorials.



My FirstPersonCharacter has the tag spelled properly. Homing is active on the projectile movement.

If anyone sees something that doesn’t make sense please let me know. Any help is appreciated.


Is it actually finding a valid target?

As far as I know it does. Unless, like I said, there’s something I am missing.

I did a print string and, when my character is in range with the Projectile, I get a string back. The turret shoots the Projectile but it stays in place.

My thought was that I may not be using the right reference for my BP_FirstPersonCharacter.

Any idea?

Stays in place? Did you set its “Initial Speed” and “Velocity” at the ProjectileMovement component?


Initial speed 1000 and max speed 2000…

Is the Velocity (1,0,0). If it’s, then check the collisons. Make sure the projectile is not being stop by some collider.

Spawn Actor Node: collision (Always Spawn, Ignore Collision)

Projectile Class: Set Life Span to 5 instead of using a delay → destroy

Projectile Class: Create an On Component Hit event for the projectiles collision.

Off the HIT Event check for “Blocking Hit” and print string “HIT” → Draw Debug point at Impact Location.

You can even go as far as taking Hit actor/component → display name and printing that as well.

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