Projectile fire into random direction?

Hello :slight_smile:

I just want a projectile to fire into a random direction with a random speed when it is spawned.
This seemed to be a very simple task, until I tried to actually make it. The projectile, no matter how much velocity, speed or rotation I give it, will never shoot into any direction except 0 or just fall to the ground.
When I set the initial speed via Blueprint, it just doesn’t fly at all and just falls to the ground.
When I set the velocity from X,Y and Z into random floats, it just fires into one direction.

I have no physics or anything, just a projectile movement with a bounce.

Any suggestions?

What components do you have in BP? You cannot have scene or anything like that as root component if you are using projectile movement. Only moveable components

The ROOT is a sphere, movable, without physics collision.

The way I would do this would be with 2 blueprints, 1 for the turret model/position where I would define a socket, the other being the projectile.
On event begin play I would spawn Actor by class, find the class, create a ‘make transform’ node I would get the transform of self and then break the rotation, in rotation I would do random float in range and do it from 0-360 then rig that all up to the make transform node.
That should work? I wouldn’t touch the projectile until I had the behaviour I wanted from the turret.

Sorry if I worded that strangely :smiley:

This is my current setup:

It just launches in the same direction every time - the speed changes, the direction is always the same.

I think setting the rotation of a projectile would just rotate the project. not change what direction it fires in.
Doing it my method would get you the results you wanted. (Setting the spawn transform).

I’m doing that as well. Still only fires in one direction, not random.

See for yourself.