Hey there,
I am practicing on a scene where i built a tank, moving and firing projectiles. working fine so far except a few points.
First of all,
%99 of the time when i hit a cylinder with my projectile, cylinders does not move at all. Occasionally when projectiles collide it rolls as expected. I checked block all dynamics on my projectile and made cylinders physcs actor. As far as i understand this should do the trick but unfortunately most of the time it doesnt work.
To find out what cause this, i ve tried a lot of collision preset combinations but none of them seemed to work.
I also print the name of the object which projectiles collide with to the screen. So collision happens for sure.
since it seems like its definately generating hit events, make sure the collision type is set to block all, or physics actor. In the Hit event you want to check if the object is simulating physics, if it is, then add impulse at location. You also want to make sure whatever you are shooting has simulate physics checked on or else they wont move when they are shot.
About simulate physics for projectile, when i turn it on projectiles go crazy. they all destroyed instantly after they collide with themselves. (In the print section it says it hit itself.)
Below you can find the cylinders i am trying to knock over.
and also you can find the projectiles setup as well. %1 of the time i can knock over objects in the scene but it is really rare. I will try to record a knock over moment today.
When i check the simulate physics on for the collision sphere of the projectile, now it is better.
Projectile knock over the cylinders. But sometimes eventhough it knocks them over it doesnt generate componenthit event. Does not print anything on the screen or does not destroy the projectile.
I recorded another video with this setup. You can watch it below.