Apply damage Node returns 0 even if base damage is set to an arbitrary number.
On the CharacterBP I am Calling the input function “Fire Weapon” which triggers the Fire event in the MainFirearmBP which triggers Fire Projectile Function which spawns the bullet with a specified Velocity, BulletId (used to determine damage), Projectile Gravity (for Bullet Drop), and LifeSpan. in the Projectile BP I have event begin play to ignore the Projectile mesh while Traveling. I also have OnHit event which triggers the Apply Damage. Everything is Working Properly. I have a print string for hit actor and damage applied. it says it is hitting the Actor but the Damage applied is saying 0.0 even though the base damage is set to 100. What could be causing this?
I have checked Collisions and can apply damage. I have a collision box in the level that applies damage using the apply damage node and it is working fine, but for some reason the one on the projectile is not. the Value always returns 0.0
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