Followed [this][1] tutorial on creating my own 2D sidescroller. It works fine except that the spawned projectile does NOT collide with the walls or my patrolling actor. I made my patrolling actor based off [this][2] video. The only problem is that the projectile does not hit the patrolling actor. Can anyone help me with this obstacle?
Here are pictures of the projectile blueprint and the patrolling actor blueprint.
I believe in order to have a hit event(not overlap), you need to turn on “simulation generates hit events”. It is located in the collision drop down menu to the right. Try checking that box and see if that works.
thank you for replying. i checked those boxes and yet still nothing. what is more odd is that i checked the collision boxes while debugging and no collision boxes were present for the spawned projectile. pictures incuded.
I ran into the same issue. Not only did I have to add a collision sphere, I also needed to make it the root component. Hope this helps somebody in the future!