Project won't package because Visual Studio is too new?

I’m trying to build a personal game project at the moment for development and during that time, I updated UE to 5.3.2 via the Epic Games Launcher. nothing seemed to change at first but when trying to package my current project, it said it need Visual Studio 2022. I did that, even uninstalled the 2019 version I had but now it’s saying it’s newer than 2022 which no it’s not?

I feel like I’m losing my mind, what exactly do I need to do to remedy this?

Hi there @WTS6697

Welcome back to the Unreal Forum! I think it may be saying to update to the newest VS Version. I’ve saw that error before. I don’t recall anyone ever having to rollback VS for it. But, I have saw people update it to fix it.

Visual studio is not to blame here. I compile on the same version of 2022. Your problem most likely is in the compiler versions (MSVC). You probably have a mismatch between the installed version and your unreal engine version.

This is the important part

Make sure your MSVC is in the range as well as Win SDK and .Net

Go into the VS installer into individual components and check that you have the proper MSVC installed in your system.

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