Everytime I start a project I can work normally with no problem but when I save and quit UE4 and re-open it my recent projects won’t work. This has happened to me since I copied and pasted from unreal engine project folder to my pen drive to try the project on a different device and it happened on that device too.
When I open the project this is was the bug says
You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.
The project has not been updated from any version it was created on the same device.
Please help
Your project is crashing upon opening which is likely caused due to the engine referencing an node/asset that no longer exists in the expected location.
Try opening the DefaultEngine.ini file in your Config folder and changing the default map to “none.” If this does not work, make a back up of your Project Folder, then delete the Intermediate, Saved and Config folders and try opening your project by double clicking on the .uproject file in the Project Folder.