Project won't compile into Windows 64 standalone

Some of my students made a game they’re planning to show off in two weeks.

They are getting an “unknown” compile error when they try to make a standalone windows build.

They’re trying to get it done by the end of next week. Is there a technician we show it to?

Thank you.

What do you mean by unknown compile error? Is the message literally “unknown error” or is it something else? And are you compiling the editor (from Visual Studio) or cooking a project (from the editor)? If you are compiling the editor, the output window will tell you the error (to find it, CTRL+F and search for ‘error’). If you are cooking a project, there should be logs in Engine/Programs/AutomationTool/Saved/Logs. Look for UAT_Log.txt and Cook-<date>.txt. The log files tend to get kind of big, so again you may want to CTRL+F for ‘error’ to narrow it down a bit. Then post the error message(s) here so we can have a look at what’s up.