Project Sharing? Own Unreal - Open Source Project?

Is it possible to manage a project with the unreal engine by itself?

I am thinking about a open source like project.
Share my little unreal project for find people who help me.

I think it is not possible but maybe an idea for new features for Unreal Editor :wink:

Project Management for teams in the editor.
Own Ftp, or Cloud space, or Unreal server for uploading project for sharing.

Characters, animations, Blueprints all on the server.
Every Developer get rights for develope one of these.
At the time it is worked on, it is locked for other Developer of the team. (Or not, maybe optional)
After a defined time the file automatically unlocked.

So many developer can worked easy at the project.

What dou you thinking about ?
Or is ther another soloution to make the same?

UE4 has the possibility to connect to subversion. We use Assembla for that. Isn’t that what you’re looking for?

here you go
we use bitbucket