Project settings right stick input axes are REVERSED

In project settings>input section, when you set inputaxis stuff for “gamepad right thumbstick X-axis / Y-axis,” labels are wrong. What it sets there for X actually plays through in Y, and vice versa.

Calls from stick input in blueprint (get gamepad right thumbstick axis) pull from correct axes, but “InputAxis X” and “InputAxis Y” call wrong if you label them according to project settings “labels”— seems it’s just a labeling issue in project settings menu.

This caused me lots of hair loss.

Hi JBernal,

I’ve assigned a member of our staff to look into this issue for you, and they will post here if they need any additional information. Thanks!

Hi JBernal,

I just tested this in-house and I’m not seeing issue that you mentioned.

Here is what I get:

Horizontal movement on gamepad = X

Vertical movement on gamepad = Y

Could you provide some screenshots of your setup or a small test project showcasing issue?

Weird, now I am checking it again and it works fine.

I’m going to resolve issue for now but if you see this pop up again just post back here to reopen this report.
