Project setting only apply to 1 project only?

I just changed the project setting in one of the projects, but when I opened another project, the setting was changed there too. Are project settings global for all projects? For example, if I uncheck “Use less CPU when in background” in one project and save it, will it also be unchecked in other projects?

I believe some settings are carried over for sure like if you make extra collision channels i have noticed that one at least myself… but i feel like this is relatively easy to test just make another project and check…

not at computer rn but ill test it in awhile if you haven’t reported back yet or someone that knows says

“Use less CPU when in background” is in Editor Preferences, not Project Settings. Editor Preferences carry over to other projects.

Project settings are per project just tested to make sure there was no funny business like you suspected, The Collison settings i referred to earlier are in fact in editor preferences
@Extrone is also right

also worth noting you can import export most of these settings pages… so may as well make backups of them that you can import if something does go weird

Editor settings are across all editors ie all projects because you view them with the editor

so in your case id say just import your editor preferences when you switch projects or if its just that one setting might as well go tick/untick the box each time