Project S.E.M.M. - Mars exploration game (re-designed with UE4)

PROJECT S.E.M.M. (mars exploration game) [former lunar exploration game, first concept]

I am co-founder of Wild Beauty Software game dev team.

I wanted to showcase my 7-day work on a 6 year old game concept, that I re-developed with Unreal Engine.

So far I managed to add mini-map, special camera feature, custom signal flare, achievements tab with 6 achievements, exploration mode (normal speed) and fast travel mode (super fast speed) and some other minor things.

BASIC IDEA is mars exploration game, where the main focus is exploration, find out what hides behind that hill, with added ability to fight, as like you might have guessed, aliens are already there.

P.S. Music in this video was composed by
Arun Sol Warszawski for the original game, which we made together with Матија Кокотовић]( back in 2014.

If you would like to know how the original game looked like 6 years ago, watch this review by @danotoast