Project runs in PIE, but fails at execInstanceVariable in standalone

I have a test project that is based on just a blank project, I am working on learning how to code some blueprint functions for a Database access plugin (useful or not, I am using it to learn).

The issue I have found, after working for sometime, is that the plugin works just fine in PIE, accessing and listing data with no issue, but when I try to run it in a DebugGame environment (or even from Launch in the editor) the game starts, the code connects to the database (so I am aware that the code is running) but then I get this error:

TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!FMallocBinned::Realloc(void *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)	C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!TProperty<class FString,class UProperty>::CopyValuesInternal(void *,void const *,int)	C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!UObject::execInstanceVariable(struct FFrame &,void * const)	C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!UODBCColumnNVarChar::execConstructODBCColumn(FFrame & Stack, void * const Result) Line 19	C++

I can’t seem to find anything online that would help me figure this out myself.

If you need any additional infomormation, feel free to ask.


Ok, I solved my own problem, answer was probably simply, in-experience with unreal and using Visual Studio. Seems (at least in my case) that building and testing from VS for DebugGame doesn’t seem to update the blueprints unless you build it inside the Editor first.

What seems to have been happening was that I was changing the function parameters and building from VS to DebugGame, and it was sending the wrong values to the function from the blueprint, I was getting values such as:

bool isPrimary32 -32938533 (actual parameter name is Primary and in Class it is isPrimary not isPrimary32)
TArray with Num of -34383428 Max 43838342

really odd behaviour, so the Struct that was being populated was receiving NULL values, thus crashing that game, once I compiled the version in game with Launch once more, it runs just fine, and I get all my data from the database as expected.