I have a test project that is based on just a blank project, I am working on learning how to code some blueprint functions for a Database access plugin (useful or not, I am using it to learn).
The issue I have found, after working for sometime, is that the plugin works just fine in PIE, accessing and listing data with no issue, but when I try to run it in a DebugGame environment (or even from Launch in the editor) the game starts, the code connects to the database (so I am aware that the code is running) but then I get this error:
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!FMallocBinned::Realloc(void *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int) C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!TProperty<class FString,class UProperty>::CopyValuesInternal(void *,void const *,int) C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!UObject::execInstanceVariable(struct FFrame &,void * const) C++
TestCodeProject-Win64-DebugGame.exe!UODBCColumnNVarChar::execConstructODBCColumn(FFrame & Stack, void * const Result) Line 19 C++
I can’t seem to find anything online that would help me figure this out myself.
If you need any additional infomormation, feel free to ask.