Project plugins often 'break' and require disabling and re-enabling [4.27]

I have a couple of plugins that, about half the time I open my project, will be broken. Sometimes one, sometimes both - I don’t think it has anything to do with the plugins, themselves.

Any blueprints using features from those plugins will be full of errors saying ‘cant find blah blah’. I open settings|plugins and they will always be ‘enabled’. The solution I have is to uncheck enabled and restart, then check enabled again and restart again. That usually restores the plugins and I can proceed.

It just started happening a couple months ago but it’s already driving me mad… I have no idea why this happens - has anyone ever experienced this before or have any suggestions?


Hey there @SVR33! I’ve only ever run into this issue myself when I improperly configured a gitignore file in my source control. Source control can cause all sorts of wackiness if misconfigured. Are you using any form of source control?

This project is not (and has never) used source control.

Hrm, that makes this especially odd. When it occurs, are the plugin’s folders still inside the project?

So, the two plugins that do this are both ‘installed to the engine’ and I don’t put a copy of them in the specific project folders, as well.

Is this a c++ project. Could it be that you are running it from the project icon without building from the ide?

This can cause the c++ classes to go missing wreaking havoc in blueprints that use them.

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Yes and yes!

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