i have searched alot on before i had to ask question here. How do i set up replication of set flipbook right way ? I can´t get it to work and am close to give up. thing is, since replication of movement works you can change idle to walk but if i just want to play a shot anim its not working. I tried everything from replication variables and setting up every possible combination of custom events .
I shall raise thread with power of my necromagic! I wonder if they’re moving forward with putting a team together for paper2d after that specific stream. How is everyone doing on their projects?
if we could get animMontage equivalent so we could get cur frame without running thru an array fer it that would be uberswell - if i could do what i can do in flash ala : getMovieClip(CurrFrame) or whatever or even just add traces to individual frames or whatevs, i saw a dude somewhere on forum had a custom paper 2d notifier - im not that smart tho, i’ll upload some footage from our thing inna few days. doing things like per frame timings and /or needing to be able to physically move hit box locations per frame would be neato aswell
If you can steal some time from your current job could you please take a look at : UE-25658 ?
We have reached a point that we can create super particles, and we can not use them because their collisions do not interact with anything 2D.
It would be really nice if we could have particles bounce off floor and fire off collisions to my main character, for example.
Thank you.
After a very long time I would like to post here 2 of my answerhub bug reports in hope that Mr will see them and react to them, and to inform old and newcomers about pitfalls that plague paper2d after a year and a half of no active development. Mind you that these are just some extreme cases that make a game impossible to publish and not a myriad smaller things that make your life a living hell in everyday development.
Please feel free to leave any comments and or questions that I will try to answer them as best (given limited time that I have) as I can regarding current state of paper2d.
Check out paper2d side scroller kit on epic games market place. they have a blood effect that’s a particle that has collision on a 2d side scroller plane.
Targa has a separate ALPHA channel and although it is rumored that 3d engines handle them better , their sheer size makes them a no go for my game.
I have over 2.5 gb worth of assets in PNG format and I develop for consoles with slow HDD’s. Imagine what would happen if I changed them to Targa that are ~5 times larger.
Thank you for info. I have never managed to make a particle work, collision wise, with paper2d collisions. I will email them and ask them for details.
EDIT: After searching marketplace with above info, two packs i found are all mesh based and not sprite based. That would explain why it is working. But i might be wrong.
I understand. Still I think it’s worth a test to see if you get same issues or if issues go away. If so then it could be separate alpha channel in where you can png without an alpha and provide another png with an alpha which can be compressed tightly since all it would provide is smoothing.
Thank you and i appreciate you trying to help! But my game is 70% complete and running in three platforms with thousands of assets and hundreds of BP’s + Plugins etc. Even IF it worked it would require months of work to redo everything not to mention all dependencies and what could go wrong… And i would probably run out of VRAM too.It would be a nightmare!
Bottom line is that Paper2d does not render correctly and that is number one thing that they must fix. I will post a video shortly for everyone to see.
I think your problem may be, that sprite you’re displaying is not pixel perfect. To achieve you need to make sure, that each pixel in a graphic corresponds to a pixel of target monitor. If is not case engine has to fill inbetweens and these jittery artifacts appear. When using an ortographic camera you should be able to achieve a pixel perfect look when setting ortographic width to a multiple of screen resolution in a ratio that keeps pixels whole (1:1 2:1 4:1 etc).
You should also make sure, that your PPU (pixels per unit) is set uniformly. I use 1 pixel=1 unreal unit (you can set in sprite settings).
Lastly also make sure, that location of sprite fits into that pixel grid. (if you have 1 PPU, sprite locations should move in full Unreal Unit intervals and not sit at something arbitrary like (173.313385 cm/-204.879898 cm/3.869781 cm) Snapping everything to a grid size of 1 should help with that.
I hope I could be of help, here are some links that may help you further. Sadly there’s not a lot of information on how to do in Unreal on web.
Thank you jonaspinky for trying to help.
I really appreciate it. And what you said is true.
But in my case it is something completely different and way more complex. First of all I use a perspective camera and is happening because UE4 and Texture Packer are broken.
I have documented in a Answerhub post but I will explain it here as fast as possible for future reference and help 2D guys to avoid huge pitfalls that could harm their game development.
Everything that is not Po2 it does not go through texture streaming method in unreal. I do not know if is a by design limitation or they haven’t fixed it yet. That results in bigger Paper2d games to run out of Vram since everything is loaded into memory regardless if it is referenced or not.
only solution is to pack png’s into a Po2 TP file and import it into engine. Still not optimal but a lot better than before. Now we have 2 options. Either to use uncompressed method for textures which results in perfect artwork and no jittering (apart from one that P2D inherently has and needs to be fixed) but every 2048x2048 Texture is ~16mb in size! It would take forever for game to load and you would probably run out of VRAM in 90% of all GPU’s out there.
What I have to do is to use default DXT compression method that brings down Texture size to 4mb. But that results in great quality loss , something that in a 2D game shows A LOT. To gain back some of detail I need to use bi linear to blur it a bit. But because TP and UE4 are broken it creates artifacts in each packed png.
So we have 2 choices: One is use them without TP but it is impossible to create a game that has for example 3gb worth of assets.
second one is to use TP and either have flickering results or artifacts on artwork.
I do not know if you want me do wash your dishes or mow your lawn for a month but please steal one hour of whatever you are doing and save our … because we are in process of creating last few levels of Spartan and i am starting to freak out.
Merged Sprites are broken in 4.13 and my CPU render view family is chocking on consoles resulting in a huge frame dip making those maps unplayable.
I am having trouble with Paper2D.
I would like to not use capsule component and only use frame by frame Collision boxes.
Only issue, I cannot set different type of collision for those boxes and I cannot know what box got collision.
Anyone has a workaround ? Or should I go on , get engine and modify it myself ?
Make a pawn. Make a sprite. Add custom movement to it. should be able to achieve what you’re trying to do? I’m not sure I don’t have engine in front of me at moment. You can also attach a movement component via a c++ base class and hook everything else up to it.