Project only opens on Mac

I mostly develop on my Mac, but when i bring the project over to my PC and attempt to open it in UE it gets to about 94% and then the editor crashes and i can’t open the project. Same version of UE on both machines. This is a C++ project. It can compile/build all the plugins just fine. I used to be able the project on my PC just fine, this has started in the last 3 months. I have the project in Perforce and can roll it back to a version that will open on my PC. The project opens in UE just fine on my Mac. I have tested in other Macs and PC and get the same results, fine on Mac, crashes launching the Editor on PC.

I’ve identified that the problem has to do with one or more BP UMG assets. I can delete the assets and the problem goes away. I actually fixed this problem 2 months ago, after spending a day to figure out which UMG was causing the crash. But now the problem has come back and different UMG assets are affected. It feels to me that some of the UMGs are just “corrupted.”

I can spend the time to trace down which are the effective assets. the problem is that I can’t fix them. There is nothing wrong with the UMG as far as I can see. Again, it works just fine with no complaints on my Mac. (and it has nothing to do with Mac-specific plugins or anything) I can use Perforce to roll back to a working version, but then when i attempt to use my PC to recreate the work the UMG corruption comes back and the Editor stops launching. In one case I can open a working version of a corrupted UMG, and delete some unused functions from the Event Graph, save, and then re-open the Editor and it crashes at 94% again. Just removing UNUSED functions from the Event Graph is enough to put it into a state where it’ll crash the Editor when launching.

My only guess is that some Editor bug on the Mac has corrupted these UMGs. And when opening on a PC the PC hits the corruption and barfs and crashes the Editor.

at this point, the only thing i can think to do is track down all the offending UMGs and attempt to re-do the work in them. I have over 100 UMGs so I’m guessing this will take me several days, and I’m not sure is guaranteed to fix the issue. and it seems likely the issue will come back again in the future.

I have included my log file.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Unreal 5.2.1
TTF.log (154.8 KB)
