Project not opening after updating 4.22.2 to 4.22.3


I updated my UE from 4.22.2 to 4.22.3, and my project won’t open, throwing this error:

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: MyProject. Would you like to rebuilt them now?

Click yes then fails with “MyProject could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.” I do not know how to “rebuild from source manually.”

I followed some instructions I found online to create a new project and copy my Contents folder in. This works but what’s wrong with my original project exactly? I really want to be sure I don’t lose anything. How assured should I be that copying the Content folder from my broken project to my new one is all that’s needed? My game does run fine and I’m not finding any errors/anything missing. I copied my input config file over too.

First up try deleting any .vs build or binaries folders
Right click the project file and click generate vis studio files
In vs on the right where the solution is - right click yourproject name and click build
once built if successful the project might open :slight_smile:

Hi, I don’t have any files like that and when I try the generate option I get “The project does not have any source code. You need to add C++ source files to the project from the Editor before you can generate project files.” Obviously, I can’t “add C++ source files to the project from the Editor” even if I understood what that means because I can’t open the project to begin with. My project has been 100% blueprint up to this point.

Sorry I did not explain it fully - once you generate the vis studio files you get an sln file to open in your project folder.

Hmm just blueprint. In that case I would delete the intermediate and saved folders. Perhaps something had gone a little bad in there. I have recently had some issues with a certain plugin and it is likely inhibiting me updating my project. As you have not jumped version its odd that a plugin would fail but it could be a thing.
Do you have any custom plugins or is it mostly vanilla UE4?