I have successfully compiled my project for android with shipping setting and ETC1 android compilation settings. However, the issue is that the project not launchs on all devices. For example, my phone Samsung Note 2 opens project, but between 2 identical phones, namely, HTC M8, one of them launchs the project, the other one not. what the issue, why project is not stable?
Hey Farrux,
In order to assist you further, i’m going to need the output logs from the engine along with the logs from both devices.
- Attach your phone to the computer
- Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
- Open up Monitor.bat
- Launch the program and save the logs
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
- C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
- Open up Monitor.exe
- Follow the instructions above
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
Thank you!
it can be seen from the image it asking suitable java that is already in compter. I can’t even take log files to show you. the issue is that I am compiling apk and obb files successfully and installing it on devices, some of them oen the project, some can’t open it
Please run through the [Android Quick Start Guide][1] this should get the Java SDK installed for you. Make sure that your Android SDK looks like this as well:
I have the same
Move them directly to your C , see if that makes a difference.
I will do it but is it matter where is located?
Can I send the log file of the compilation?
Maybe Ue4 doe not support all android devices? But thaking into consideration that game runs fine on one HTC M8 but on ther hone the same model, namely, HTC M8, does not run. I don’t understand(
Please upload any logs that you have as a .txt file and attach them to your next reply. The more information we have, the better.
- Attach your phone to the computer
- Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
- Open up Monitor.bat
- Launch the program and save the logs
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
- C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
- Open up Monitor.exe
- Follow the instructions above
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
Thank you!
Here is successful compilation log
Thanks for providing the output logs, I do need the logcat files. The instructions are in my previous message to you. Please obtain those as soon as you’re able to.
Hey Farrux,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you!