I just updated from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4. Now when I load my project it crashes with a pretty useless error message.
If it helps i describe project a little bit:
Im working on blueprints only. Its a multiplayer game with creating sessions and serverbrowser and a few widgets. It also has characters with AI. IDK what more I could say…
Thanks in advance for any help.
€dit so since it is solved I removed screenshot of error. it only showed my unreal ID and my mahine id and said i have no debug thingy
This is a known issue with 4.7.4 (UE-13250) that we’ve already got a fix for. We should be releasing fix soon. In meantime, you can try opening a copy of project in 4.7.3 compiled from source via GitHub:
Thanks . How soon you will release fix? Is it a matter of days, weeks? Because I’m using binary of editor for now so I’d like to know if it’s worth going through trouble of compiling editor from source in meantime…
You’ll probably want to keep this separate from your binary builds. I usually just install these directly onto my D drive, but you can drop it in same folder beside 4.7 if you’d like to keep them close together.
Then run Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat from there. That will create .sln you need to start compiling your source build.
Can I just copy engine folder over my current engine folder and go with it or should I copy everything into “4.7” folder (including engine folder) and run setup.bat and project files.bat?