Hi, i was working onto my project, when suddenly it crashed. Since i restarted it, i’m not able to open any blueprint, map, or character , because the program crashes in few seconds, giving me the same error everytime
Please tell me how to fix it.
Hi JonyLegend98,
Try deleting the Intermediate, Saved and Config folders from your Project Folder and let me know if this does not resolve the issue.
Still crashing when i change map or everything…like opening a blueprint or something else
If your project is set to open by default in this particular engine version there are a couple of things you can try in order to break the vicious cycle.
- In your Unreal Projects folder, find another project, right-click on the .uproject file and choose to open in UE4.13
- Uninstall and reinstall UE4.13. Open a blank Blueprint template and make it the default game to open with UE4.13
Then you can right click on the .uproject and try to open. However, it sounds like what you were working on has caused an infinite loop so you will have to come up with a way to bypass that, like deleting the asset you were working on when the crash occurred.
Hi JohnnyLegend98,
Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you still having a problem with your project crashing upon opening, please respond with the requested information and we will continue to investigate.
Be sure to include the specific error message you are receiving.