Project Crashes on Open. Exception thrown at (UE4Editor-Landscape.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location

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Hi, I’ve been using splines in a project for some time with a track based on the Kart Racer Template.

I just started creating a blueprint function using spline functions like this one:

I created a new PlayerState C++ class, closed UE, and cannot reopen my project.

// D:\Engine\Source\Runtime\Landscape\Private\Materials\MaterialExpressionLandscapeVisibilityMask.cpp
UObject* UMaterialExpressionLandscapeVisibilityMask::GetReferencedTexture() const
    // Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA333868DA (UE4Editor-Landscape.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000970. occurred
	return GEngine->WeightMapPlaceholderTexture;  

Suggestions? Why is GEngine invalid/null?

This is being triggered by this line in my GameMode constructor:

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnBPClass(TEXT("/Game/_Racer/BP_RacerCharacter"));

That BP exists, compiles, and has a SkeletalMesh. Commenting this line out works around the crash. I’m working with it to see if I can learn more.

UPDATE: I fought this for a minute, but it’s trivial to change the pawn in a blueprint so I did that instead.

Hi i think i have same problem.
Here i posted full answer.

For me, deleting the Config folder worked