idk why its doing this i was following a tutorial on a blank project so i have no idea what happened, i can only guess it crashed while i was saving somehow. i just please want a way to fix this.
Try the following:
- Make a back up of your Project Folder and store somewhere like your desktop or a back up drive
- In the Project Folder that remains in your Unreal Projects folder, delete the Intermediate, Saved, and Config folders
- In your directory where UE4.14 is installed, delete the DerivedDataCache folder
- With the Launcher closed, return to your Project folder and double click your .uproject file to open.
If these steps did not work, please post your UE4 and Project logs located at:
“UE4.log” Located: Engine\Saved\Logs\
“ProjectName.log” Located: ProjectName\Saved\Logs\
i dont have a log folder their, and no, that process did not work for me.
In your Project Folder>Confing>DefaultEngine.ine file: Open with a text editor and delete the editor start up map after the “=” sign, shown in blue below:
This will open a blank map, which will salvage your assets and allow you to open other maps, if you have any. You may be able to open the map at this point. If not, please not any errors.