Deleted user/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine Directory and finally got a Report.
At first i couldn’t tell if it was launcher or project.
I have yet to uninstall 4.8.** and reinstall but i should get to that today at some point.
project was fine, got up for a coffee break and come back to a closed editor and a project that couldn’t be opened.
I see a lot of posts saying 4.8.0+ failed at 91% ,are due to graphics drivers. so ill uninstall those and install fresh copies to see if that fixes this issue, but i’m pretty sure that’s not case.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)
"Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8\Engine\Source\Runtime\AssetRegistry\Private\NameTableArchive.cpp] [Line: 97]
Bad name index 0//0
UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::AssertFailed() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:355]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FNameTableArchiveReader::operator<<() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\nametablearchive.cpp:97]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FAssetDataGatherer::SerializeCache() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\assetdatagatherer.cpp:475]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FAssetDataGatherer::Run() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\assetdatagatherer.cpp:81]
UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73]
Updated to 4.8.3 to see if it would over write bad files to no avail
Crashed at 94% this time.
Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)
"Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8\Engine\Source\Runtime\AssetRegistry\Private\NameTableArchive.cpp] [Line: 97]
Bad name index 0//0
UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::AssertFailed() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:355]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FNameTableArchiveReader::operator<<() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\nametablearchive.cpp:97]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FAssetDataGatherer::SerializeCache() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\assetdatagatherer.cpp:475]
UE4Editor_AssetRegistry!FAssetDataGatherer::Run() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\assetregistry\private\assetdatagatherer.cpp:81]
UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73]
Hi Iridescence,
This appears to be a crash that has been fixed in 4.9 (UE-14664). Try deleting Intermediate folder from project and restart. Let me know if that doesn’t fix it. Thanks!
Hey -
I was able to get project to load in 4.9.0, but a ton of errors and external references… but its just so odd that after so much time that has gone by for it to do that. We’ve been working project for 10-15 hour days for nearly a month on 4.8.2. I’ve sent reports as well hopefully, by deleting Intermediate Folder, ill see some change with external references and map errors.
Will post back in a few, thanks for reply!
As expected project will load in 4.8.3 without Intermediate folder( of course forcing shader recompilation) with out map errors and external references like i got in 4.9.0.
Any way to solve that, as i foresee that being an issue if we do decide to update to 4.9.0 p3(convert a copy method)?
Thanks for timely help on a Saturday night!
Sorry for delay, I was out last week! You should only have to delete Intermediate file one time to get rid of whatever file was corrupted in there, not every time you want to reopen project, so you should only have to wait for shaders to recompile once more. If this same problem occurs again (possible in 4.8), just repeat process. This particular crash shouldn’t be a problem in 4.9, so once you have a copy of project in 4.9 Preview I don’t think you’ll need to worry about it at all.
I thank you for getting back to me .
Loud and clear.